Robotics Curriculum Modules with CodeSpace™
"Python with Robots"
Designed as a CS elective course for grades 8-12, this curriculum module covers the fundamentals of Python programming as students apply each new coding skill and concept to engaging projects with CodeBot. No prior coding experience is required!
CodeBot is the first educational robot purpose-built for learning Python programming. This 'bot puts the focus on coding, with built-in sensors and programmable controls for endless projects and learning opportunities.
Read more about CodeBot in our Why another robot? blog post.
CodeBot Features
- Fast, easy Python coding experience.
- Step-by-step guided lessons in CodeSpace.
- Chromebook compatible.
- Powerful CPU with 2M of RAM.
- Proximity sensors for navigation.
- Surface sensors for line following.
- 3-axis Accelerometer.
- Advanced PWM motor control.
- Wheel Encoders for precise speed and rotation angle control.
- Speaker for programmable alerts, music, and voice.
- LEDs for status display of all systems.
- Now shipping CB3 model. Read about it here.

Authentic CS Engagement - Teacher Friendly Tools
High School CS teacher Jocelyn Humphries proudly demonstrates Python multi-tasking with CodeBot!