
Lab Notes

Kitchen Thermometer - Python likes Turkey a micro:bit

Kitchen Thermometer - Python likes Turkey a micro:bit

Just in time for the Holidays, turn your micro:bit and an old kitchen thermometer probe into an accurate and versatile digital thermometer. Python powered kitchen science is the best! As an added bonus, you'll be cooking with Logarithms, so get your math on and have some fun as we code this up in CodeSpace!

Check out the video at: https://youtu.be/di33GfSoQWc

The Joy of Python - Connecting a Joystick to the micro:bit!

The Joy of Python - Connecting a Joystick to the micro:bit!

Ready for some fast-paced, precision input controls for your micro:bit? Joysticks are great for gaming, but there are SO many other applications for them in the world of Physical Computing! 

Whether you're creating musical instruments of the future, or building a telerobotic manipulator, you can learn how to make it happen with Python and CodeSpace in this post!

Check out the demo video here: https://youtu.be/CaD89i2Naoc

NeoPixels with Python and the micro:bit

NeoPixels with Python and the micro:bit

The micro:bit's NeoPixel library makes it a snap to add these super-bright and colorful components to your next project.

Check out the demonstration video here: https://youtu.be/OlSojuhayOY

Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with Python and the micro:bit

Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with Python and the micro:bit

Coding at the speed of sound! You can't beat the HC-SR04 sensor for a low-cost way to do experiment with some really cool physical science. How does the speed of sound change as the temperature changes? Write a little Python code then do an experiment to find out! 

Check out the video for a demonstration of this amazing sensor project: https://youtu.be/LsB9CdQZ2aI

Potentiometers with Python - Analog Control Peripheral with Potential!

Potentiometers with Python - Analog Control Peripheral with Potential!


A potentiometer is a great way to improve control in your micro:bit projects. Whether you're using it as a game controller, to select options from an on-screen menu, or controlling musical tempo and pitch, there are so many potential uses!

Witness the power and simplicity of Python with potentiometers in our demo video!

Buttons and Switches - Digital Inputs in Python

Buttons and Switches - Digital Inputs in Python

Want to connect an external push-button or switch to your micro:bit? It's easy to do, and Python gives you complete control over digital input pins!

Despite their simplicity, there are some interesting nuances when dealing with buttons and switches. Check it out!

Take a look at our external switch demo video here: https://youtu.be/jnnBvcvTxic

Controlling Positional Servos with Python

Controlling Positional Servos with Python

Positional servos are the next stop on our tour of micro:bit peripherals in Python. We tested this one out at GaETC 2019, so we can confirm it's a crowd pleaser!

Check out the video demo of this, taken live at GaETC 2019: https://youtu.be/wAPUyItqpRs

Discrete LEDs with Python

Discrete LEDs with Python

Controlling external discrete LEDs with Python and the micro:bit is a breeze!  Todd  is back in our second No Blocks November installment to walk you through it with CodeSpace and a little bit of Python.

Check out the demo video!

Continuous Rotation Servos with Python and the micro:bit

Continuous Rotation Servos with Python and the micro:bit

See how easy it is to control servos with Python and the micro:bit! Firia Labs Engineer Todd Beales takes you through the fundamentals of servos, and shows you how to spin 'em up with CodeSpace and a little bit of Python.

Check out the 60-second intro video!

Math Classroom

Using Computer Science to Show Students the Relevance of Math

I’ve been a teacher for over 15 years, but I've only taught computer science for only the last three. I've always taught grades 6-8, and I've spen...
CAN it Compute? The Internet of Things!

CAN it Compute? The Internet of Things!

Here at Firia Labs we practice what we teach. Of course you know that we develop awesome curricula, innovative software, and super-cool hardware fo...
Why another robot? Behind the scenes with CodeBot.

Why another robot? Behind the scenes with CodeBot.

What makes CodeBot different? In this post I'll dive into the motivations behind our CodeBot CB2 and the Python with Robots curriculum.

An educator's view - celebrating Black History and Women's History in CS

An educator's view - celebrating Black History and Women's History in CS

Guest Blogger Amber Merrill shares insights and some fantastic ways to carry Black History Month and Women's History Month through the year.
Robot Multitasking!

Robot Multitasking!

While developing the CodeBot Python with Robots curriculum we're taking on the challenge of giving students real-world tools to address some fundam...
Kicking off National Robotics Week

Kicking off National Robotics Week

The FiriaLabs team kicked off National Robotics Week in style this past weekend with CodeBot™ at the Alabama Robotics Competition
Welcome to Lab Notes!

Welcome to Lab Notes!

With CodeSpace just passing its 1-year birthday, the team here at Firia Labs is simply bursting at the seams with ideas, stories, and more thoughts...