Python with Robots Kit includes: 1 CodeBot (batteries not included), 1 Breadboard, 10 Assorted Breadboard Jumper Wires, 1 USB cable, and 1 Annual License.
Course number: ET 434
Course name: Lab for Instrumentation and Measurement Systems
Course Instructor: Alisa Henrie, PhD
Students in ET 434 will be using the Firia Labs Python with Robots Kit (CodeBot) and Breadboard Expansion Module to accomplish labs for ET 434.
Each student must have a CodeBot and Breadboard Expansion Module from Firia Labs.
Any other material needed for labs can be found in the course syllabus or will be determined by the design chosen by your group.
Any questions regarding course requirements or lab kits can be sent to Dr. Alisa Henrie
Firia Labs Python with Robots
CodeBot is the first educational robot purpose-built for learning Python programming. This 'bot puts the focus on coding, with built-in sensors and programmable controls for endless projects and learning opportunities.
Students will learn the foundations of Python programming, robotics, and computational thinking as they build challenging projects by writing code to control their CodeBot.