
CodeBot Haunted Code Chronicles

Scroll down to see if you are a winner!!
Haunted House
Dark spirits have risen in the realm of Virtual Robotics, casting a shadow of despair over the town. Deep within the Haunted House lies the elusive CodeX, rumored to contain the Python code powerful enough to dispel this phantasmal predicament. Are you brave enough to guide your virtual CodeBot through its eerie corridors? Not only will you hone your Python coding prowess, but you're also guaranteed a ghostly good time!

Join the Adventure and compete for prizes in this FREE activity from Firia Labs!

2023 General Competition Winners

Elementary (K-5)
  • Landon, Catalina Ventura School (AZ), SCORE: 1680
  • Emma, Catalina Ventura School (AZ), SCORE: 1600
  • Pratik, Catalina Ventura School (AZ), SCORE: 1475
Middle (6-8)
  • Shrey, Chelsea Middle School (AL), SCORE: 7142
  • Anya, Bee Cave Middle School (TX), SCORE: 6829
  • Remi, W&T Faiss Middle School (NV), SCORE: 5761
High (9-12)
  • George, Cleveland High School (TX), SCORE: 18924
  • Thaddeus, Huntingtown High School (MD), SCORE: 17929
  • Daria, Westlake High School (OH), SCORE: 17573
  • Savannah, Central High School (AL), SCORE: 9462
  • Micah, North Plainfield High School (NJ), SCORE: 8249
  • Rhonda, Aledo Middle School (TX), SCORE: 7261

2023 Girls Who Code Winners

Elementary (K-5)
  • Florence, Stratford Middle School (CA), SCORE: 2794
  • Angelica, T/E Middle School (PA), SCORE: 1010
  • Rebecca, Linton Hall School (VA), SCORE: 626
Middle (6-8)
  • Margot, Home School (NY), SCORE: 7354
  • Mabry, Columbiana Middle School (AL), SCORE: 3724
  • William, Day Creek Intermediate School (CA), SCORE: 3701
High (9-12)
  • Ngan (Nancy), Southside High School (AR), SCORE: 4318
  • Britta, Leigh High School (CA), SCORE: 3920
  • Peter, Southside High School (AR), SCORE: 3070

Teacher Resources Folder

  • Teacher Instructions
  • Planning
  • Parent Letter 

Individual Competition Category

  • Indy (Independent / Pro)
    • This category is NOT linked to school, club, or teacher. 


You must register to be eligible for prizes!

Students / Clubs register HERE

Indy/Pro entrants register HERE


  • Top 3 individuals in each category win an Amazon gift card:
    • 1st place: $100
    • 2nd place: $50
    • 3rd place: $25
  • The top winner for each school or club category will also win Python with Robots Kit* for their associated teacher. 
    • *For participants outside of the United States: the top winner will receive 1- 1 year license seat to Virtual Robotics for their school. 


  • Competition is open from October 1-31, 2023. Any entry outside of this timeframe does not qualify for prizes. Competition closes at 11:59 PM CT on October 31, 2023.

  • Registration closes on Friday, October 20, 2023 at 11:59 PM CT. 
  • To participate in the CodeBot Haunted Code Chronicles Competition, participants must register on the site by filling in the following information: 
    • Email
    • Name
    • School
    • Grade Level
    • Teacher/Parent Name AND Email (unless Indy)
    • Category entered (each individual can only enter one time and only in one category). If the same individual enters multiple times in multiple categories, they will only win one monetary prize.
  • Individual student entries must be age 13 and up. Younger students can have parent or teacher register them for participation.
  • Cheating is forbidden, under penalty of disqualification from the CodeBot Haunted Code Chronicles. Cheating means: 
    • public release of a solution
    • exploitation of a flaw in the system


 More questions: Check out our FAQs

Contact info@firialabs.com with any questions!