
CodeSpace on Linux

CodeSpace runs great on Linux! You just need to install Chrome or Chromium browser, and enable the USB device access. Details are shown below:

1. Install Chrome

There are two options here - either one will work just fine for CodeSpace:

Chromium open source browser

> sudo apt install chromium-browser

 or Chrome Download from Google

go to https://www.google.com/chrome/ and download/install the package for your Linux distribution.


2. Add a UDEV Rule for the desired device WebUSB interfaces

Note: You only have to create the files corresponding to the products you're using (CodeBot CB2, CodeBot CB3, CodeX, microbit, etc.)

CodeBot CB2

Use your favorite text editor to create a file:

Edit the codebot.rules file to contain the following:

CodeBot CB3

Use your favorite text editor to create a file:

Edit the codebot3.rules file to contain the following:


Use your favorite text editor to create a file:

Edit the codex.rules file to contain the following:


Use your favorite text editor to create a file:

Edit the microbit.rules file to contain the following:

2. Signal udevd to reload the rules

sudo udevadm control --reload
sudo udevadm trigger


3. Enjoy CodeSpace on Linux!